Two years ago, on the herd of John and Kieran Kelleher in Macroom, where Austin Gleeson is a farm manager, milk fever was a serious issue. The 100 cow herd is both spring (60%) and autumn (40%) calving. When cows were at grass, milk fever ran at […]
Read more →Dr. Patrick Meehan invited us to his farm to see the impact Flowmag and Flowtrace have had on his herd in reducing costly death from grass tetany. Using a Dosatron pump Patrick administered Flowmag through the water system, effectively supplying a continuous stream of magnesium needed to maintain metabolic function and herd health. “I have not had a mortality from Tetany since the Dosatron pump instillation in the four farms” Patrick reports. Learn more about the benefits of Flowmag & Flowtrace to Patricks farm here
Read more →Donie Ryan (pictured) on his farm in Knocklong, Co Limerick. Since Donie started using YMCP: ‘Not one cow has been treated for Milk Fever, and now 90% of cows pass their cleanings, and much faster than before’.
Read more →“The biggest challenge on the farm is that of keeping sufficient body condition on the cows throughout the year. To make this happen I need to provide high quality forages and to ensure that their mineral balance is correct. And to this end, the use of the MasterVet Boluses and the RuminLix Bovimin 365 buckets have made a very positive difference.”
Read more →Mervyn McRoberts and his son Philip (pictured) have been using Bacticube for the last few years. The cows are housed for seven months of the year, bringing health challenges which can often be reflected in somatic cell counts.
Read more →Situated both south of Ballybunion and west of Listowel lies the Gortinare Pedigree Herd. Liam and Kevin Quilter are milking 110 Holstein Friesian cows, averaging 8,400 litres with a milk solids production of 637kg/year it is safe to say this is a farm where attention to detail is the name of the game.
Read more →Brian Meade milks 80 spring calving cows with his father Dennis at Rathkennny in Co Meath. Last year the herd averaged 1,200 gallons at 4.06% fat and 3.46% protein.
Read more →Producing as many high quality finished lambs – as early in the season as possible – is the fundamental flock management objective for Co Donegal sheep producer Stewart Thompson.
“And that means giving newborn lambs the best possible start,” added the Ballybofey-based farmer, who is seeking to expand both his commercial and pedigree sheep interests.
Grass tetany is a more than significant threat on every Irish dairy farm at this time of the year. But throw in the added challenge of farming in a high molybdenum area and one quickly gets a feeling for the absolute necessity to come up with a plan which ensures that every dairy cow gets its required mineral and trace element intake on a daily basis.
Such is the challenge facing David and Ann Moore, who milk a herd of 160 spring calving cows near Midleton in Co Cork.