Complementary dietetic mineral supplement for freshly calved dairy cows.
Fresh Cow YMCP is a complementary dietetic mineral supplement for freshly calved dairy cows containing yeast, magnesium, calcium, potassium and niacin to ease the transition into lactation.
When cows calve they lose a large reservoir of essential nutrients which they require to get going and transition into lactation quickly. Fresh Cow YMCP helps make this recovery easier, increase appetite, reduce metabolic disorders and increase milk production.
Key Benefits and Features:
- Helps improve performance during lactation
- Contains a unique blend of yeast, magnesium, calcium, potassium, electrolytes, niacin and betaine.
- Contains 60g of calcium per dose (derived from four different sources), including a highly palatable and easy to absorb form which helps return muscle tone of the uterus and rumen/digestive tract to reduce the chances of a displaced abomasum.
- Contains live yeast to help re-populate the gut with beneficial bacteria and jump start the rumen.
- Magnesium is included to help the body better absorb calcium.
- Potassium is included as it is essential for energy metabolism and helps feed utilisation.
- Niacin helps prevent ketosis.
Feeding Directions
In Water
The quicker the offering of Fresh Cow YMCP after calving the better the consumption.
- Mix 500g with approximately 19 litres of warm drinking water.
- For problem cows feed an additional 500g within 24 hours of calving.
Feed Mixing or Top Dressing
- Mix sufficient YMCP in the total ration or grain to provide a daily intake of 500g for the first two days after calving.
- When top dressing, hand mix or disperse YMCP throughout the grain or total ration.
Fresh Cow YMCP is suitable for use immediately after calving, for cows that are energy deficient and as a follow up to intravenous calcium administration to maintain calcium levels.