Bluelite Replenish for Calves
- Supports sodium absorption
- Maintains energy
- Maintains a low abomasal pH to support healthy digestive tract
- Position stable – no stratification
Goals when treating scours:
- Correcting dehydration
- Correcting acidosis
- Correcting electrolyte abnormalities (Na, K, Cl)
- Reversing negative energy balance
- Preventing the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
BlueLite® Replenishᴹ is the first liquid, buffered calf electrolyte for the severely dehydrated calf. Providing oral rehydration with a better alkalinizing agent than sodium bicarbonate helps supplement lost nutrients during scours For freshly calved dairy cows try Fresh Cow YMCP to maintain the health of both cow and calf.
Directions for use: Mix 100 ml in 2 litres of water or mix 50 mil in milk twice a day. In all feeding situations provide fresh water on a free choice basis. Continue feeding Replenish as necessary.